Monday True Confessions- 2/9 – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


1. I weigh myself every day.

2. I know that I shouldn’t do that.

3. But I do it every day.

4. Sometimes it helps me stay in control of my eating for that day.

5. Sometimes, it really doesn’t even matter.

6. I did so well Saturday night resisting the temptation of a Carl’s Jr. meal deal.

7. I ordered a chargrilled chicken salad instead. Yes, a salad.

8. I only ate 3 french fries.

9. I was so proud of myself.

10. Later than night, I engulfed 1/2 bag of tortilla chips. Bad, Bad, bad.

Please feel free to reveal your own True Confessions in the comments or your blog and then link back. Have fun with it!