The Hula Queen – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans would like to crown Dawn, with 3428 spins, as the Mini-Challenge Hula Queen! She diligently swayed her hips almost everyday, checked in with her new scores, and has taken the grand prize – a travel hoop and beginning DVD thanks to Hoopnotica!

We would also like to include some honorable mentions for our hula-girls!

We’ve deemed Catie the runner-up, even though she had the highest score! She was quite honest with us and mentioned she had to pause midway to help her daughter in the bathroom! She had an amazing 3466 spins!

Becca – She was without a doubt dedicated to this challenge! We’re so proud of her undying desire to improve her score, day after day! Her highest was nothing to scoff at: 3420

Saj also hula-d her hips off and came in with a high score of 3315 spins!

And let’s no forget Ann! She was definitely our most improved hooper! We’re so proud that she jumped on the hula wagon with the Sisterhood!

All of us at the Sisterhood want to thank each and every one of our hula girls for joining in! We all had so much fun and promise to bring this challenge back in the future! In the meantime, keep getting on those Wii balance boards and swinging your hips in nice wide circles! 🙂

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