The Motivation- These Pictures | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I’m putting it out there for the whole wide world to see.  If I ever find myself faltering at this weight loss/healthy lifestyle thing, then I will pull out these pictures and remind myself of why I am doing this.  These pictures- they are my motivation.

  • The first picture in each set was taken Day 1 of shredding.
  • The second picture in each set was taken on day 10 of shredding.
  • While I have lost one inch around my waist since we started a mere 10 days ago, I still look pregnant.  There is nothing wrong with looking pregnant…..when you ARE pregnant.  I loved being pregnant, however, my baby is almost 7 months old and I am done with looking pregnant. 
  • I’m not sure if you can even see a difference at this point.  But check out my “guns”- bang, bang!

  • I am in this for the long haul.  I am not going anywhere, anytime soon.  Nope, you can’t get rid of me.
  • Rest assured, the weight will come off.  It may take a little longer than I expected, but yes, it will come off.
  • I can’t wait to shed the pounds and to become the hot, sexy mama of three kids that I imagine myself to be.

Can I get a Boo-yah, please?!

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I’m a runner, on my way to becoming a marathoner. I am 42 years old and have found a peaceful acceptance of my body. Through running, I have discovered who I am, besides a mom to three kids and a wife to one. I truly enjoy sharing my love of fitness with others while empowering and motivating women to conquer their fear of the unknown. In my spare time, I manage the Run with the Sisterhood Facebook page, work here and there for Zooma Women’s Race Series, and work part-time at our local YMCA.