I “heart” kickboxing | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I used to be a gym rat, exercising 4-5 times a week.  I was one fit mother.

A pregnancy and now almost 8 month old baby who will only nap at home and my gym days have been very numbered.

I opted to do the 30 Day Shred with you fine ladies and saw awesome results.

But today, I did not want to Shred….I wanted to go to the gym and take a kickboxing class, my favorite class from before.

I have not kickboxed since January 2008.

Today, I kickboxed.

And I sweated like I haven’t sweated in a long while.

And I huffed and puffed for one solid hour.

And I am already sore.

And it kicked my ass.

And I loved it.

And I realized how much I MISS GOING TO THE GYM on a regular basis.

I have GOT TO build in going to the gym into our Summer schedule.

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