Shrink-A-Versary Weigh In – Week Four! – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Sound the alarms, it’s weigh-in day!

Last week, Heather described my trek to the scale so perfectly in her weigh-in post that I laughed out loud as I took every step in the perfect way in which she described. Something about heading to the scale, looking at the numbers with our “scrunched up eyes”, naked and after having already peed (because we all know that adds about 5 more pounds…oh wait, I think I added the pee part. But still.)

That’s me. I’m a first-thing-in-the-morning weigher. Every Wednesday morning. Just like today.

So hop to it, sisters! Take the trek to the scale, or if you want to, skip to the lou (or loo) and whistle on over to the scale, look down at the number, go post about it, and leave the link right here in the comments below. Or if you don’t have a blog, weigh in right here in the comments.

Then don’t forget to visit everyone and leave a little comment love because if there is any weekend that we’re all going to need the extra support and motivation, it’s this one!

And don’t forget to add how many miles you logged this past week and/or how you’ve done on the More Workouts challenge and what you are thankful for this Thanksgiving eve. OK you don’t have to add the “thankful” part, but why not? We’re among sisters, here and you’ve all become my “virtual” family.

And this year, I’m thankful for the Sisterhood. I’m thankful for this freakin amazing year. God, I’m so darned thankful for being able to run around with my babies. Finally!! I’m thankful that I found inspiration and motivation to change my life through all of you. You are all SO AMAZING with your 5ks and half-marathons and never-ending motivation and support!!! I just love you.

So let the love-fest continue in the comments below. Go on, do tell…how did you do this week?

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