True Confessions Tuesday! | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Good morning, sweet shrinkers!

Welcome to True Confessions Tuesday, a place where we share all our dirty secrets and check our bull at the door.

I, myself, am having a mini-pity party here. And my confessions are as follows:

1. We got hit with the most evil stomach flu ever (as I have already reported — it aided in my 2.5 pound weight-loss last week). I cannot describe to you just how evil it was. Well, in addition to me and the kids, my mom got it, then my dad, then my mother-in-law. Bing bang boom. Besides the fact that I have all this guilt that it came from me (I have no idea where I got it), we have all just been running around trying to take care of each other.

2. Which means I have only been able to get in two workouts since last Wednesday. One was a 12 minute swim that was cut short because they started cleaning the pool when I was still in it and lo and behold, all of this disgustingness was being kicked up like sand and ugly scary particles and I had to flee. (Why would they do that!?) I was gagging. The second workout was a body pump class that left my arms so shaky and sore afterward I could hardly turn the steering wheel to drive home. Success!

3. I had a planned splurge which was boneless teriyaki chicken wings at Buffalo Wild Wings on date night last Friday night. Yes, our date night consisted of a trip to Ikea for some storage, and then playing trivia at Buffalo Wild Wings. And drinking beer. And it was good.

4. On all the other days I ate well because I couldn’t get my workouts in. If I can’t do one, I do the other. Or at least I try. There have been amazing sales on Weight Watchers frozen meals and Lean Cuisines and Skinny Cow Ice Cream, FYI!!

5. So I’m usually a really positive person and happy and look at the cup half-full and all of that. But since we’re being honest here (and because it’s true confessions Tuesday and all) I’ve been a complete grumpy-ass for days in a row. Grumpy-ASS! I just can’t seem to snap out of it! I try. I do. But all this sickness everywhere and I’m so far behind in everything and I can’t seem to get organized, I feel like my house still has spores despite the amount of CLEANING I HAVE BEEN DOING, I’m frustrated, overwhelmed, I can’t get my workouts in and now I’m getting my youngest son’s cold. Because what could be better than getting over a stomach flu and getting a cold. GAH! Well that made me feel a little better. So thank you.

As you are reading this, I will be getting my third workout of the week in and that will make me feel better. Because working out actually makes me feel better when I’m pissed off and grumpy. Isn’t that all sorts of awesome? I think so.

Go ahead! Air your grievances and splurges and accidents in the comments below or post and then link up! Don’t forget, we are having a Twitter Party tonight during The Biggest Loser! April gets on Twitter (follow us: @shrinkingjeans) and barks out some Tworkouts for us to do during commercials and we get in our LAST CHANCE WORKOUT! Come join us! Sure, you may look silly doing pushups in a pink robe like I do while your husband looks at you like you’re a crazywoman, but so what! Feel the burn! Join in! 8pm central time! See you there!

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