Thursday Three – Three F's of Vacation | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


This week, my family is on vacation in The Outer Banks, North Carolina. Before we left, I made a promise to myself that I was NOT going to let this vacation derail my triathlon training and eating.

That being said, I am on VACATION! Time to relax a little bit and enjoy life. Go with the flow, you know?

So, in an effort to keep myself honest but still have a good time, I came up with the Three F’s of Vacations: Food, Fitness and FUN!

  1. Food – While we did pack some of our own food (mostly sandwich fixings and snacks), we plan on hitting a local farmer’s market to pick up our fruit for the week. Also, I would love to eat at only local eateries (curse you, McDonald’s).
  2. Fitness – My triathlon is only 2 weeks after we get home (EEK!) which means I have to keep up with my training. I plan on hitting the hotel gym if I absolutely have to, but I’d much rather get out of that dingy room. As a member of the YMCA, we get free membership to Y’s across the country…and there is one only 3 miles from the hotel. I’m also hoping to make use of a bike rental place and use the bike paths around the area.
  3. Fun – Isn’t this the whole reason you decide to go on a vacation?  I planning on RELAXING. Wait, the kids will be there with us. I plan  on TRYING to relax. The beach, miniature golf, kites, outdoor music…I’m looking forward to just chilling out for a while!

How do you keep it real during vacation? Do you have your own list of must-do’s? Let us know!!

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