Tworkout brought to you by Subway! | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Happy Tworkout™ Tuesday, everyone! I’m so excited, I can’t hardly stand it. We have a special edition Tworkout for you guys today! Not only are we doing our regular Tworkout (over on Twitter) at 8 p.m. Central, but also, we’re doing a West Coast Edition at 8 p.m. Pacific! AND! We have Subway gift cards to hand out tonight! Are you excited now?! So, seriously, I know you’ll join us for a butt kickin’ good time! Right? RIGHT.

Tonight’s Tworkout:

1. 2 min Towel Jump (a.k.a Lateral Jump); 1 min Jumping Jacks

2. 20 (or more) Sumo Squats (if you’re more advanced, do these with weights!)

3. Push-ups, as many as you can do

4. 1.5 min Mountain Climbers; 1.5 min Frog Jumps

5. Russian Twists (if you’re more advanced, do these with weights!)

6. Plankhold, 2 for 30 second each


If you’re unsure of any of these exercises, please google them. We will also provide brief explanations during the tworkouts.

As always, if you would like to follow along on TweetGrid, go here!

See you there!

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