True Confessions | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Here’s the dealio.

I am having an illicit affair with ice cream and I need an intervention. Lately, EVERY SINGLE NIGHT after I finally get the babe to sleep, I have an overwhelming urge for ice cream. And I have to admit, I have been giving in.

I don’t quite understand it. I have never been crazy about ice cream – I could take it or leave it. But after this last pregnancy it is like a switch flipped. I am ice cream crazy.

Seriously? I’m writing this and starting to obsess over what kind of ice cream is in the freezer, what kinds of toppings I have (would pretzels be good in ice cream?).

It’s a sickness, I tell you. A sickness

Yes, I should stop buying ice cream. If it’s not in the freezer, its not a temptation. But every time I’m in the grocery store, I am magnetically drawn to the soft glow of the ice cream section, where I stand and stare, fighting with myself. And then to the Magic Shell, which is akin to crack, in my opinion.

Help. Me. Please.

My guts are spilled. What do YOU have to confess this week? Spill it in the comments!

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