Toot Your Horn Tuesday | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


About thirteen months ago, I had a baby. And since it has been so long since she arrived, I can no longer cry ‘its BABY WEIGHT!’

(it kind of is…)

Basically, I’ve kind of had my head in the sand regarding my weight creeping upward, or hovering, but not going down, at all. After seeing a few photos of myself where I did not even recognize myself – and my preschooler saying ‘Mommy! Your tummy looks like a drum!’ –  I’ve FINALLY put my foot down.

I’ve decided the only way this ‘baby weight’ is coming off is by employing the same course of action as I did after my first child.

I signed up for a half marathon. Because honestly, I think the only thing that will make me stick to any fitness plan is the fear of humiliation and the sweeper van.

So I’ve been running. It hurts, and I’m a little angry at myself for letting myself go this far after I was in SUCH good shape. But it is what it is. And I’m the only one who can turn things around.  That means hitting the pavement, or the trail, or the treadmill, and accepting the pain and acknowledging that it’s a good hurt. Knowing that it will only be this hard again if I quit.  Looking forward to how amazing I feel after I run.

Today I’m tooting my horn for FINALLY calling a spade a spade and DOING something to make things right. I’m proud of myself and can’t wait to cross that finish line in October and soak up that awesome feeling of accomplishment again.

Now it’s your turn…what are you proud of this week? Toot YOUR horn in the comments!

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