Keeping Track


As the holiday season approaches, I have been trying to get a plan in place to keep myself on track with all things fitness and weight loss. I have come up with five things that I think will work.

1. My Fitness Pal (or any other fitness tracker). I do so much better when I track my eating and exercise. I just have to get back in the habit of doing it.

2. My FitBit. I had a FitBit Ultra for a couple years and I lost it. I was heartbroken. It was just replaced this past week with a FitBit Zip. I love it! My goal is to not take it off at night until I have at least 10,000 steps on it.

3. A Gratitude Journal. I find something in every day that I am thankful for as far as fitness goes. It can be a page long or it can be one sentence. It can be a simple as “I did 12 push ups when I only had to do 10″. I just need to find the value in some fitness part of my day.

4. My 64 ounce water bottle. I fill this baby up every night and each morning when I wake up, I start to drink. My goal for the day is to drink no less than that 64 ounces of water.

5. Exercise. I want to exercise no less than five days a week. I have been working out in the basement and with some dvd’s.

Those are my top five things I plan to do. I want to keep things tracked so there is no excuse for messing up. I don’t doubt for a minute that I will mess up, but it doesn’t have to happen every day. It doesn’t have to send me in a tailspin either. If I make a mistake, I’ll take a deep breath and start over. Maybe I’ll have to start over every day for awhile, but it’s okay. As long as I keep trying, it’s all good!

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