Eat Fat to Lose Fat


Despite what mainstream marketing would have you believe, fat does not make you fat. Quite the opposite actually; our bodies actually need fat to function properly. Fat helps the absorption of vitamins, keeps you satiated, and even helps you shed pounds.  That’s right; you need to eat fat to lose fat!

As with any food, the sources of fats you consume determine their health benefits. The following foods are deliciously wonderful sources of good-for-you fat:

1.       Avocados: Rich in folate, fiber, and vitamin E, this super food helps prevent heart disease, improve skin tone, and naturally cleanse the body of metals and toxins.

2.       Seeds: A great source of minerals, such as magnesium, selenium, copper, iron, and zinc, seeds are loaded with fiber, protein, and omega 3 fatty acids. Add chia, flax, pumpkin, or sunflower seeds to smoothies or salads for a fat-healthy boost.

3.       Coconut: Besides being ridiculously delicious, coconut improves digestion, increases good cholesterol, and supports healthy kidney function and liver health. Oh, and it also boosts metabolism, increases energy, and aides in fat loss. Yep, it really is that miraculous!

4.       Nuts: Loaded with healthy fat, protein, vitamin E, and fiber, nuts keep blood sugar stable, boost the immune system, and lower cholesterol.

5.       Olive Oil: Rich in monosaturated fat and vitamin E, olive oil helps prevent cancer, reduce blood pressure, and fortify the body with much needed antioxidants.

When it comes to fat, moderation is imperative. Just because the list above provides the body with essential nutrients doesn’t mean you should eat an avocado covered in almond butter and sprinkled with shredded coconut. J

Enjoy small amounts to reap enormous benefits!