Motivation Mission: The Invitation | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Happy Monday to you all (is there such a thing?!). I am going to go ahead and say why, yes, there is. My fellow Sisterhood writers and I rotate throughout the month to bring you new posts. As it happens, the last few of mine have fallen on Mondays which always gets me thinking about when we used to do Motivation Mondays on a regular basis. We all need a shot in the arm from time to time and what better day to administer that shot than at the start of a workweek and on a day that usually tends to get a bad rap?

Nancy’s recent post about the ripple effect of her dedication to a healthy lifestyle got me thinking. What if this week, each one of us extended an invitation to someone?  Not to a party or a particular event. But to participate with you in your exercise routine.  Maybe that means you asking a friend if she wants to join you on a walk or a run. Maybe that means seeing if a gym buddy wants to try out a new group fitness class, or offering a neighbor or relative your gym’s guest passes to try some things out on their own. Maybe it means asking a co-worker if they would like to get outside a bit and walk at lunch time? Or seeing if a frazzled neighborhood mom can take a walk around the block with you after dinner one night.

The thing with invitations is you don’t know what kind of response you might get. But if you don’t extend the invite, you are guaranteed a no. There is no guarantee that whomever you ask will take you up on your offer, but my bet is that you will feel good for asking and you just might be surprised. And your one invitation could lead to  someone making her next healthy decision, or her asking you to join in on another walk, be it tomorrow or  next week.

So who’s in? Who are you going to invite to join you for something – ONE thing – active this week?

Please share in the comments what you might plan to do and how did it go! Let’s spread some motivation, shall we?

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