Spring Fling Challenge Check-In, Week 3 | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Hello shrinkers! We are in the final week of the Spring Fling Challenge! How are you doing this week?

Jump on the scale and tell us all about it! Did you lose weight this week? Stay the same? Gain? If you gained, it’s okay because it happens to all of us sometimes. Especially after a couple of really good losses. Don’t lose faith!


Last week’s mini-challenge was all about sleep. How did you do? I actually did a pretty good job, but only because I got to sleep in a few days! Keep working on getting in 7-8 hours of sleep and you’ll be amazed at how much better you feel, and that it’s easier to lose weight when you’re rested!

This week’s challenge is to join our TWO new challenges for May!

One is a 30-Day Squat Challenge. You’ve got to get your ass in gear because summer is sneaking up! It’s almost here!

Second is our Sisterhood Shots: May Photo-A-Day Challenge. Check out our shot prompts calendar and share your daily pictures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, your blog, or wherever you’d like!

We have a lot of exciting things going on around the Sisterhood this week! So be sure to click around and join in the fun! Nothing keeps you motivated like having daily reminders from the Sisterhood!

Run The ‘Hood

There is still time to register for the Run the ‘Hood 2013  Foxy 5k and 10k and 1-mile Family Fun Run . Run the ‘Hood is always so much fun! You know why? You get a medal, and because the shirts and swag and fellowship among all of us doing a race on the same day is just awesome! If you’re not a runner, sign up to walk. Heck, sign up your family and make it a fun day for everyone!

If you haven’t signed up for the Shrinking Digest, our weekly newsletter, be sure to do that now!

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