True Confessions


I have to admit that when Ann brought back the True Confessions post, I laughed. I had already been planning to bring it back this week. I guess great guilty minds think alike.

I usually have a very crazy month of May. I lovingly call it the Manic Month of May! Somehow, I have got my months twisted around and my August is just as crazy as my May, maybe even more so. It is only day 13 and I am exhausted.

There have been funerals, weddings, company, parties, helping my daughter get her new classroom ready, back to school stuff for myself and so on and so on. I’m not even getting to do the fun things I was hoping to do before school starts again. The pool finally warmed back up and I haven’t even been in it.

Lord knows I haven’t been eating right. I’m still logging on My Fitness Pal, but oh my, if you look at that log. If you just look at the numbers, it looks good. Most days, I’ve stayed under my calories or very close to them. Unfortunately, it’s mostly bad food and liquor. A couple drinks one night and a couple more another. Ice cream and cookies, chips and salsa, black licorice (I may have eaten the whole bag in one evening at the computer). Burgers on the grill with all the fixins, homemade potato salad, fried fish and cheese dip. There were some days where I didn’t eat at all till late in the day and then I ate this junk! I think you get the picture.

My biggest “true confession” is that my exercise has been almost nonexistent! Pretty much all I have done is walked. I have been to two classes. Just two classes!! That is absolutely and totally unacceptable.

This all stops now. I don’t care how busy I am. It is going to be busy for some weeks ahead. I am going to get a handle on this and pull it back to where I was before. I will eat right and get back to classes. The only person that I am hurting is myself. STUPID!!! I can do this. I know I can. I’ve done it before and I’ll do it again. Just you wait and see.

So, how about all of you? Please tell me that I am not the only person out there that screws up!! Just leave your True Confessions in the comments or if you are blogging about it, leave your post link. Happy True Confessions, my friends!!

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