10 Steps to Loving Yourself | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


“We become what we think about. “

-Earl Nightingale-

One of the biggest obstacles to overcoming challenges is mindset. Whether it’s losing weight, making major lifestyle changes, or confronting your past in order to move towards a healthier future, the power of positive thinking is the key to unlocking the healthiest, happiest version of you.

Limiting self-beliefs and negative thinking unintentionally sabotage your efforts to lead a happier, healthier life. Your thought patterns directly influence your actions, and many times,  thoughts can limit your progress by being overly critical and constantly negative.

Starting today, move from the negative into the positive by practicing these 10 Steps to loving yourself:

  1. Refuse to let the past dictate your future.
  2. Trust in your own strength, power, and most importantly, YOUR WORTH.
  3. Be thankful for the struggles as well as the successes life as brought you so far. They have formed your character and given you the opportunity to grow into the person you’d like to be.
  4. Stop comparing yourself to others and stop being mean to yourself. Stop thinking you are flawed. Instead of being critical, extend the same encouragement and kindness to yourself that you constantly give to others.
  5. Surround yourself with support and inspiration. Let the stories, successes, and suggestions of others motivate and guide you.
  6. Don’t let fear dictate your choices. Moving forward means venturing into the unknown at times; see it as an adventure rather than an excuse not to take the road untraveled.
  7. Be gentle with yourself. You’re going to have setbacks. Learn from them and keep moving forward.
  8. Practice affirmations. It may sound cheesy, but reminding yourself of just how awesome you is a powerful way to change your mindset and appreciate just how amazing you really are. If you don’t have any favorite affirmations, let me know and I’ll be happy to email you a list of my favorites.
  9. Practice positivity. Anyone can focus on negativity and criticism. Elevate yourself to a higher standard of acceptance. Train yourself to see the upside (or even humorous side) of any situation and soon you’ll see yourself for the incredible, radiant being that you are.
  10. Let go of what no longer serves you. Instead of holding on to past grudges or mistakes, give yourself the gift of a clean slate. Instead of wasting your energy on the past, what can you do in the present moment that will move you towards the person you want to be and the life you want to live?

Women in particular struggle with accepting their own value. Loving yourself is not about pride, arrogance, entitlement, or ego. It’s about healthy self-esteem. It’s about embracing your strengths AND your weaknesses, and using them for growth. It’s about honoring yourself for the incredible human being that you are and living the happiest version of yourself.  You are powerful. You are worthy. You are enough.

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