Just Walk – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


You know how you sign up to be on an email list and then your box is flooded with stuff you don’t even look at? That’s how it was with me. Every night, I would delete, delete, delete email after email without even looking at them. In one of my new goals for the new year, I decided to get rid of the junk emails. Every day as they came in, I looked to see if it was something that I might possibly ever need. Most of them were things I didn’t even remember signing up for. But, some of them were things that I read every time they came. One of the good ones I kept coming was from the American Heart Association.

I started following the American Heart Association emails through my friend, Nicki. I’ve written about her several times before. You can find those here and here. I love the Go Red for Women section of their website. There is tons of useful information that we can all use.

Many of you know that I am a walker. It is one of my favorite forms of exercise. I was pleasantly surprised when I got the email from the American heart Association the other day about National Walking Day.

April 2 has been declared National Walking Day. Here is a little of what the American Heart Association has to say about it…..

Get Up and Move!
These days, adults are spending more time at work than ever before. An unfortunate side effect is that, as a nation, we’re becoming more inactive. This is a problem when you consider that physical inactivity doubles the risk of heart disease!

But take heart! It’s a problem you can help fix by encouraging your community and company to take part in the American Heart Association’s National Walking Day.

On this day, Americans are encouraged to lace up their sneakers and take at least 30 minutes out of their day to get up and walk. It’s a great way to raise awareness of the importance of physical activity and to get your family, friends and co-workers started on a healthier way of life.

Walking is one of the easiest, yet totally effective forms of exercise there is. It can be done at any pace. There is no special skill or equipment involved. All you need are your feet, some time and a little ambition.

So what do you say? Let’s all go to the website and sign up to walk at least 30 minutes on April 2. We can all use some fresh air after this long, cold winter. I say “just walk”. How about you?

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