Toot Your Horn: What Are You Proud Of?


It’s Tuesday and time to toot your horn! In case you are new around these parts and have not a clue what I mean when I say “toot your horn” let me take a minute to explain myself! We are here to encourage you and help you in your health and fitness journey and one way we do that is by letting you tell us all of  your great accomplishments, so we can pat you on the back! In other words “toot your horn”, which is what I hope you will do in the comments below. But, before that I have some tooting of my own to do!

My “toots” are focused around the Whole30 plan that I have been following since January 5/January 8 (I will explain that date thing in a minute.), and the other things that I wanted to accomplish in January. I had some goals for myself in January and I am happy to report that I was able to accomplish the things that I set out to do. At the beginning of the month they seemed pretty daunting, so I was worried that I may falter on some of them, but I was successful and I am proud of myself.

My goals were:

  • Follow the Whole30 plan from January 5th thru February 5th. I goofed on January 7th and ate a meal that was NOT Whole30 compliant so I started over on the 8th. Since January 8th I have eaten according to plan EVERY SINGLE MEAL! Now if you know me very well you know that veggies and I are not really on friendly terms. I really don’t like veggies and I really do like chips and queso! Veggies are to be eaten three times a day,! And not just a tiny little carrot, or a lettuce leaf. I’m talking about filling your plate with veggies! And NO sugar, NO dairy (oh how I miss my yogurt for breakfast!), NO corn or gluten. I have been successful for each meal and I’m proud of myself!! There have been challenges, like when we had a business dinner to attend for one of my husband’s clients. I had to force myself to pass up my favorite queso and eat a meal that really wasn’t my favorite on the menu, BUT, I felt good at the end of the night because I had stayed on plan. I have this week to get through on the plan and I have no doubt that I will accomplish this goal! I’m feeling good, I’ve lost weight and inches off my waist and I am not craving sugar the way I was in December!
  • Start and complete the January Fitness Calendars. Melissa puts together some awesome fitness calendars every month and I rarely complete them. I usually get through the first few days of the calendar and then I get busylazyboredtired and don’t do any more of the work. This month I was determined to do the WHOLE MONTH of BOTH calendars!! I am happy to report that I missed one night (the night we went to dinner with the business client), but I did complete the workouts. Saturday night, I did 175 squats (broken up into 25 squat sets) and 75 (inclined) push ups (broken up into sets of 10). I don’t think I have ever done that many squats! And I’m pretty sure I’ve not ever done 75 push ups! I felt good about my accomplishments. February’s calendar is perfect for me because I am wanting to tone up my abs so I am planning to do this month’s calendar, too! Wanna join me? 
  • Write in a journal every day. Nancy wrote a post for New Year’s Eve talking about the benefits of writing things down and it really struck a chord with me, so I went to Barnes & Nobles and bought myself a pretty journal notebook. I have spent a few minutes every night writing something about my day in it. A lot of the time it’s been something mundane that wouldn’t mean a thing in the world to anyone but me. Sometimes, I have written down something that I am thankful for, for that day. Sometimes, I just talk about my day. BUT….once again, it’s been done EVERY DAY! It only takes a few minutes most nights and it’s a nice way to end my day. I can’t wait to read back through it at the end of the year!
  • Read every day. I love to read, but I rarely take the time to do it. There always seems to be something more important to do than to sit and relax and read, but I decided it was time to do something for me this year. I have been reading at the end of the day, so I am not reading anything deep or heavy (because then I would just fall asleep), but it’s been nice to read for a little while before going to bed. I finished my first book of the year Sunday night, which felt amazing!! I can’t tell you the last time I read an entire book from cover to cover! I’m also following the 52 Weeks of Small Changes challenge, so I am reading through this book, too! But, I have to read this book during the day time hours so I can actually absorb the words on the page, yaknow?
  • Take a minimum of 5,000 steps. For most people 5,000 steps doesn’t seem like much and really it isn’t but I came off being sick for three weeks and I homeschool my son. I am up and down a lot and in the kitchen a lot but I don’t really take a lot of steps. There were times at the end of the day I was just pacing the floor to get my steps up to 5,000. There were two days that I just didn’t make it happen, but considering that during the month of December my step counts averaged about 4,000 steps a day I am pleased. For February, I am setting my goal at 7,500 steps a day. It didn’t happen on the first or second of the month, but I am going to work to make it happen the rest of the month. Determination is a good thing, right??

I think that January went well for me and I’m proud of myself and happy to be able to toot my horn about what I accomplished! I hope that you will take a few minutes to leave a comment either here or on our Facebook page and tell us what you have done that is toot worthy!! We are here to encourage you and build you up, so be sure to leave a comment so that we can do that for you!!



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Ann is a wife, mom to 2 sons; a 24 year old Marine and a 10 year old who home schools. Ann has been “working” at losing her baby fat for 20+ years and is beginning to find success in that journey. Ann is a huge walker, and walks the Susan G. Komen 3-Day every year to help fight against breast cancer, a disease that killed her grandmother long before she should have died! She’s excited to be a writer on the best support group online, The Sisterhood of Shrinking Jeans.