Putting the Brakes On a Bad Habit


Hello dear Shrinkers,

Don’t you just love when the time comes in the calendar when we are at the start of a new month? Granted we are four days in to April by the time you read this, but still that “fresh-start” feel is with me in a major way.

Have you been participating in our monthly fitness calendar? It’s not too late to start. I am loving that this month we are focusing on the whole body.

Do you have any particular “rules” that you adhere to on your health and fitness journey? For example, some people follow a rule of “no carbs at dinner,” or “no eating after 7 p.m.”  Have you ever adopted a “rule” and stuck with it? How did it work out?  I would love to hear about your experiences with giving oneself a self-imposed rule.

The reason I bring this up is because I have decided on a rule for myself for April: No eating in the car. Period. End of story. Eating in the car is never a good thing for me. I know my history and eating in the car doesn’t mean a healthy snack like an apple or piece of string cheese. If I’m eating in the car, chances are it’s from a drive-thru, 99 percent of the time it’s in secret and fast food wrappers are tossed into a public garbage can somewhere.  After all, I must dispose of the evidence.

Don’t get me wrong. This is not a behavior that I indulged in on a daily basis, but weekly? Yeah. Maybe you can relate? You know those times when you are not physically hungry but sad, lonely, depressed, frustrated – you name it, all those other emotions that result in you pulling the trigger of food. And we all know how that turns out, right? You end up feeling worse than before you placed your friggin order. It gets me nowhere. It has to stop.

My hope is that by adopting this one rule for at least the next 30 days, it will place this bad habit where it belongs: in the rearview mirror.

Have a rule of your own you’d like to try out for this month? I would love to support you in your efforts! We can support each other and check back in a month from now to share our success. Whaddya say?

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