What to Expect in Your 40s | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Remember when you were a teenager and you thought someone in their 40s was OLD, like really OLD?

Then when you were in your 20s, you still thought the same thing. And you probably thought to yourself, when I’m 40, I’m not going to be like all the stereotypical 40 year old people.

Then when you were in your 30’s, you begin thinking, “well, 40 isn’t *that* old”, and you begin worrying that your 40s just might turn out to be like those old, stupid stereotypes you thought of in your 20’s.

Then you turned 40 years old and you realized you didn’t give a flying fuck what all those stereotypes said about people in their 40s.  You just wanted to be happy and comfortable in your own skin and not give a hoot what other people thought.

Yeah, that.

Here’s what I thought 40 would be (mostly physical):

  • Fat
  • Wrinkly
  • Gray hair
  • Close to death

Here’s what my 12 yr old daughter Sophie thinks 40 will be like (in her exact words):

  • Cray cray (yep, she’s 12)
  • Hectic
  • Amazing (love her!)
  • I will be like you- nice and pretty.
  • I’ll be middle-aged, that’s a better word than OLD.
  • 40 means gray hair, at least in your case, MOM!
  • I might feel so old.
  • I might feel like I need to sit around and watch Netflix all day…..hopefully Netflix is still around.
  • I don’t think I’ll be able to do the splits when I’m 40.

Go ahead and ask you tween/teen what they think 40 will be like- I loved her responses.

So what is 40, and beyond?

40 IS……

  • When your ovaries start dying.  Basically, perimenopause.
  • You have the pleasure of growing more facial hair…and cracking up with your girlfriend as you discuss your mustaches, ha!  Oh yes, I now have to get my ‘stache waxed in addition to my eyebrows.  Also, chin hair.
  • The good ole hormones start changing.  OK, this one kind of sucks because man oh man, can those damn hormones wreak havoc on your emotions and waist line.
  • Your eyesight changes. It’s true.  I’ve worn glasses and/or contacts since I was in 3rd grade but the last year has me pulling my glasses down and peering over them to read things up close.  It’s like I need bi-focals but I don’t have them…yet.
  • Your metabolism slows down.  I don’t like this one AT ALL but that is because I like to eat….all the things.  I can no longer pound away crap food, thinking I will work it off with exercise. Nope, not anymore. UGH.
  • You’re more tired.
  • You’re less tolerant of bullshit.

40 doesn’t sound so great, does it?

An editor’s side-note–> If you’ve hit the wonderful 40s and are interested in topics on fitness, metabolism, and nutrition for women over 40, please consider checking out Tamara Grand’s site – Fitknitchic.com. She is an amazing online personal trainer specializing in women over 40, and has wonderful resources for perimenopausal women, as well as an online fitness group.

But folks, here what 40 is, too:

  • Being more comfortable in my own skin and less critical of myself. I finally feel like I am who I am supposed to be and I like it.  I am owning my body- the good and the bad.  I am more at peace than ever!
  • At the same time, I want to take care of my body and skin more than ever.
  • I take my health more seriously now, making and KEEPING all those important check-ups, like annual exams, mammograms, dental visits and more.
  • I’m more aware of my parents aging and how much I love them.  I want them to know how much they mean to me.
  • I have less to zero desire for the nightlife of years past. By nightlife, I mean I would rather be home reading a good book than out partying. Don’t get me wrong, give me a special occasion for someone special in my life and I will don my high heels and dance the night away. BUT on any given night, I am perfectly happy at home.
  • Now, I want to do the things I want to do when I want to do them. My 20s were spent building a career and getting married. My 30s were ALL about the kids, my marriage and surviving. My kids are a wee bit older now, my marriage is surviving (and we’re working on the thriving part) so now, it’s time to focus on ME.
  • I have a more can-do attitude. OK, I’ve always had a can do attitude on the exterior but many times, I had so many doubts on the interior. Now I say SCREW IT and just do it.
  • I’m more selective with who I spend my time with friend-wise.
  • I care much less about what other people think about me.  This is one of the biggest things I’ve noticed about my 40s (along with choosing who I spend my time with).  I’m still the same ole Lisa, laughing and joking around and having a good time, trying to spread positive cheer around, doing what I do best, BUT now, I just do it and spend less time thinking about what others think of what I am doing or saying.

Are you in your 40s?  What are your thoughts on it?

For the record, I’m 43 and I LOVE IT.

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I’m a runner, on my way to becoming a marathoner. I am 42 years old and have found a peaceful acceptance of my body. Through running, I have discovered who I am, besides a mom to three kids and a wife to one. I truly enjoy sharing my love of fitness with others while empowering and motivating women to conquer their fear of the unknown. In my spare time, I manage the Run with the Sisterhood Facebook page, work here and there for Zooma Women’s Race Series, and work part-time at our local YMCA.