13.1 miles Archives – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


How did you do on the first mini-challenge? Did you get at least 64 ounces of cool, clear water in everyday for 7 days? If you did, you consumed at least 3.5 gallons of water, and your body is thanking you right now. Congratulations!! This week’s mini-challenge is in honor of the 13.1 miles Team … [Read more…]

I’m not sure what you guys think of those of us who write for Shrinking Jeans. I’m not sure if you think “wow, those chicks have their #$#@% together all of the time…. they know exactly what to write and when to write it….they are so awesome….they are pillars of strength when it comes to … [Read more…]

ANNOUNCEMENT!!!!! I am so excited! Remember that “little” group called Team Shrinking Jeans?  You know, our 15 members strong coalition of women who have committed to running a half marathon in San Diego in June while also raising money for the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society?  The team that … [Read more…]

I know we have tons of runners in the Sisterhood, and even more wanna-be runners (like myself!), and we are all capable of walking. There is no better motivation than participating in an event for a good cause! Everywhere you look, you can find 5Ks, 10Ks, half marathons, and even marathons and they … [Read more…]