Biggest Shrinking team – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Can you believe it’s already the LAST day of January? That means you’ve got one month in your rearview mirror, and hopefully your rear view, is getting smaller! *rimshot* In all seriousness, you’ve reached the half-way point of the New Year’s Weight Loss Challenge, so give yourself (and your teammates) a high five! Here’s the Top […]

Good morning, shrinkers! I know, I know. I’m a little behind on posting the results. I apologize! I have a good excuse though – we brought a very adorable little baby into our household last week -our first foster child! I’m trying to adjust to having FIVE kids. Oh my! We have had amazing progress […]

The numbers you gals (and guy) have put up this past month are simply amazing. Through hard work, determination, eating right, and exercise you have managed to drop literally hundreds of pounds! We could not be more proud of you! Are you ready to find out which team LOST their way to NUMBER ONE to […]

As if the title of the Biggest Shrinking Team wasn’t enough, now you have your VERY OWN badge to display wherever you want! Once again, CONGRATULATIONS! Here is the code: ”Biggest Enjoy!