mindfulness Archives | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Tomorrow, I will turn 32. At 32 years old, I will be a wife, a mom, a homeowner, a full-time employee, and a pet mom. I am training for my fourth half-marathon and I still am trying to remember that chocolate chip cookies and a diet coke do not a healthy lunch make. I still have to drag myself … [Read more…]

I’m always looking for good book recommendations, so I thought I’d pay it forward and share a few of my favorite books with you. The list I’ve compiled is titled Books for Your Belly, Body, and Brain! I hope you enjoy my recommendations, and please feel free to comment below with some of your … [Read more…]

I had enough.  The stress I was feeling culminated in me bursting into tears while out at breakfast with my husband.  It had been a month since I had been able to take off a full day from work with my job in sales.  The constant barrage of text messages, emails, and phone calls had prevented me from … [Read more…]

Visualization is one of the self-help tools that’s actually backed up by research. It’s been shown to help people successfully quit smoking, help athletes perform, improve college student’s eating habits, and even reduce pain during medical procedures. Unfortunately, most of us aren’t taught to do … [Read more…]

Hello, fellow Shrinkers. How’ve you been? It’s Tuesday which means it’s the day of the week we celebrate the big and small victories that we’ve experienced lately on this journey of ours to get fit and healthy. We often get fooled into the notion that success is only measured by what the scale is … [Read more…]

By now, I’m sure you may have heard about Lane Bryant’s new # ImNoAngel campaign, yes? I gave up any non-work related use of the Internet and social media for Lent but now that Lent is over (finally!), I see all sorts of things that are grabbing my attention one of them being this ad campaign for … [Read more…]