sabotage – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


As I was sitting around thinking about what to write, I realized that I’ve been going through my closet a lot lately. Which made me think of this post I wrote a couple years back. It’s definitely still pertinent, so take another look, if you please.   While clothes may not make the woman, they […]

I met Heidi from The Write Fit at Fitbloggin’ (she was the awesome chic with JumpSport Fitness Trampoline™!) and we just clicked. She told me she’d love to write for us about self-sabotage, and I’m thrilled to share her thoughts with all of you! We have all been there.  We have all been on diets, […]

It’s hard to understand why our friends or family members, who are supposed to want the best for us, might actually try to work against our weight loss efforts. Most of the time, they’re unconscious of it, or at least minimally conscious of their motives. “You only live once!” Do any of you have that […]

While clothes may not make the woman, they certainly have a strong effect on her self-confidence – which, I believe, does make the woman. Mary Kay Ash (1915 – ) What’s in your closet? Right now. Need to check? Go ahead, we’ll wait… ………………………………….. Did you look? Cool. So what’s in your closet? Did you […]