Shrinking – 4/4 – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Brace yourselves, Sisters (and Brothers), because this is going to be packed with all kinds of excitement and information. For.real. How are you doing on the 21 Days Challenge? It’s been 14 days and hopefully those new habits are slowly forming! How are you feeling? Is it getting easier, or has it been hard? Have […]

By soon, we mean tomorrow! YES! Tomorrow! This challenge will be fast and furious, at only 3 weeks long, but exciting and completely worth it. Why? Because you’ll be focused on SHRINKING! Check back tomorrow for all the details on the newest challenge!

How’s everyone doing? Today is weigh-in day. Aren’t you excited about stepping on your scale and seeing if you had a loss for the week? Yeah, yeah, I know it’s difficult to get excited about this stuff sometimes. I know a lot of you are doing SO WELL with your weight loss, but I for […]

Good morning ladies and gentleman!!  Gather ’round, it’s Wednesday, and you know that what means!  That’s right, it’s weigh-in day!  How’d you do?  For those of us in the States, how did your holiday weekend go?  Did you do good?  Bad?  Talk to us! Okay, you know the drill.  Go get on those scales.  Remember, […]

Good morning Sisters and Brothers! How are you? Did you have a good week? We hope so. So hop to it! Drag those scales out, blow the dust off, take deep breath, and step on! Is the number getting smaller? We hope so. If it’s not, don’t fret. We all have off weeks, and just […]

Hello Sisters and Brothers! Do you know what today is? Why, it’s weigh-in day, of course. Did you step on your scales yet? No? Okay, go run and do it real quick and we’ll wait. {waiting patiently} Okay, good, you’re back! How did it go? Is the number smaller than last week? We hope so. […]

As you know, this site is all about shrinking. You shrinking, me shrinking, everybody shrinking! We’re here because our jeans are/were too tight, heck all of our clothes are too tight. Our goal is shrink so we can buy new, smaller jeans! So tell me, when you’re done shrinking, what is the one thing you […]

On September 4, 2008, I weighed 166 pounds! Today I’m at 148 pounds and I hit my 10% weightloss goal on WW! I’m so excited. I didn’t even realize it when I posted this morning! So, WOOOHOOOOO for me! I’m down 18 pounds since restarting WW in 09.08! Since starting the Sisterhood in November, I’m […]

On Monday, I weighed 157. Today I weighed 155.8! YES! It’s a step in the right direction. Of course tomorrow is Turkey day and I’m a little concerned, but you know what? This loss is EXACTLY what I needed. Isn’t it funny how a loss can really put you in the right frame of mind? […]