Happy Thanksgiving! | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


The day is here, Thanksgiving, the day where families sit around and eat. Then a few hours later after our naps we go and eat again. Well I just want to remind everyone that you hold the power. The power of self control.

Before you set out for the day make a plan. Plan your attack on Thanksgiving dinner. Eat what you like and what you enjoy but remember portion control and serving sizes!. For example, a serving size of meat would be about the size of a deck of cards. For more ideas look here.

My plan for the day is to drink plenty of water , not sample everything before dinner and to start my meal off with a big salad. I’m not using a great big plate to eat off of either. I always feel compelled to fill ‘er up(which I don’t want to do this year).  Of course I’m going to try everything that was made, but in small amounts. Once during a weight watchers meeting(one that I actually went to) the woman passed out a plastic knife and gave the advice to “cut” our portions in half and to let the knife be our reminder. For some reason that stuck with me and it has worked.

So with my plan in place I am ready to start enjoying Thanksgiving. From the Crooked Eyebrow family to yours, we wish you a healthy and happy Thanksgiving.

*Don’t forget that our challenge Starts soon! We hope you will join us here at the sisterhood while we are dreaming of a light Christmas. Just email us and grab a button!

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