Lisa » Blog Archive » True Confessions Monday- Lisa


June 1st, 2009 | | Posted in Lisa, True Confessions |

  1. My fingers are swollen like little sausages.
  2. Could it be due to the fact that I have been inhaling  Doritos like the world is about to end?
  3. Nah.
  4. Or maybe because my “friendly” visitor is well, visiting?
  5. Nah.
  6. My heart hasn’t been into eating healthy and exercising since we ended the last challenge.
  7. I need these challenges to keep my motivated and pumped up and excited.
  8. Right now I just feel BLAH.  And gross.  And chubby.
  9. I shopped for a bathing suit in record time yesterday.
  10. What fun it is to shop for a suit when you are 20lbs (more like 30lbs) overweight.
  11. I am going to visit our very own Christy this week.
  12. I leave in just a few hours- yippee!
  13. We plan to swim (hence, the need for a bathing suit), cook good food, scrapbook, laugh until our sides hurt, chit chat and stay up way too late.
  14. Sounds fun, huh?
  15. I so badly want to lose more weight.

Wanna play along?  Write a post on your personal blog and leave the link in the comments section.  It’ll be fun to read everyone’s “confession”, won’t it?  Makes you feel so not alone in this ever difficult journey.

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