Shrinking Days of Summer, Weigh-In #4 | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Hello Sisters and Brothers! Do you know what today is? Why, it’s weigh-in day, of course. Did you step on your scales yet? No? Okay, go run and do it real quick and we’ll wait.

{waiting patiently}

Okay, good, you’re back! How did it go? Is the number smaller than last week? We hope so. So get your butts over to your blogs and post about it. Tell us how you’re feeling about your weight loss right this very minute. Is it easier than you thought? Harder? Do you feel like you’re spinning your wheels? Why? Do some soul searching and share it with your fellow Sisters and Brothers. Someone else may benefit from what you have to say. If you don’t blog, tell us how you’re feeling in your comment.

Did you see the Leaderboard last week? Our top 3 teams are Lime, Sage and Yellow, and they are neck and neck. We have 4 weeks to go, so there’s still time to buckle down and dethrone Team LIME!! Way to go, Team Lime, we’re proud of y’all!

Speaking of teams, how are y’all doing? Are you keeping each other honest? Helping each other out? Pepping each other up? We hope so. Nothing makes us happier than to think we’re helping you make connections that will help you reach your ultimate goals.

Team Captains, please email Christy ([email protected]) your team members’ weights today by 10 p.m. Central time. Weights, please, not losses or gains. If you’re missing someone, just go ahead and send what you have!

A couple of things.

  • Did you see this week’s weigh-in prizes and sponsors? It’s good stuff!
  • Don’t forget to check out our sponsors page. We have so many wonderful peeps who’ve donated some amazing prizes for all of you Shrinkers. Show them some love, k?
  • If you do not weigh-in for 2 consecutive weeks, we’re gonna have to remove you from the challenge. So make sure you don’t get eliminated and WEIGH IN! K?
  • Make sure to and check your fellow Shrinkers’ blogs if they’ve posted a link. They need your support as much as you need theirs. For real.
  • Did you know that over there on the far right are links to the Sisterhood Contributors personal Shrinking blogs. Boy, that’s a mouthful. Anyway, be sure to keep an eye on them for new posts. Brian has been posting away about his vacation, hospital stay (glad you’re okay, man), and his success at getting back on the wagon. Check it out and give that dude some love. p.s. Brian, get us a damn picture of your handsome face. You’re wife is a photographer, right?!
  • And last but not least, keep up with the SHRINKING!!!!!

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