True Confessions – The Shrinking Jeans of Christy


September 28, 2009 By Christy

Considering I’ve had a week of celebrating birthdays (mine and my son’s), I don’t really think I have much to confess, but here goes!

  1. I made 3 cakes and only had 2 small pieces.
  2. I may or may not have licked one of the beaters, and the icing off the spatula when I was baking.
  3. I have not been drinking enough water. I’m not sure what’s up with that, honestly. I should get off my ass and get some right now, huh?
  4. I haven’t been keeping up with the EAS 30-Day challenge. As a matter of fact, I haven’t worked out with it since last Thursday. I blame it on family being in town and birthday parties. Well, that and I’ve just been lazy. I will complete the 30 days, just not on time. Boo. Hissssssss.
  5. On a positive note, I bought a snazzy pair of running shoes. They aren’t even ugly. Actually, they are quite snazzy.
  6. I got new tubes put in my jogging stroller tires. Also something called goo or goop, or something like that. It’s supposed to keep them from going flat if I run over a burr.
  7. I also got a cute, red iPod Nano for my birthday, and the Nike + stuffs. So very cool. Now I just need to download some tunes!!
  8. I think I’m done. And yes, I’m going to drink some water. RIGHT NOW.