Gobble, gobble, punch! – The Shrinking Jeans of Christy


December 2, 2009 By Christy

WHOOOOOOOOOOO-WEEEEEEEE. What.a.week. Seriously. Thanksgiving is a tough, tough week. Especially when you are trying to shrink. I set out with big plans. BIG PLANS, y’all. I had my menu planned, and it was traditional. I cannot mess with old family recipes. There is no lightening them up. It was all going to be about self-control and being active.

On Thanksgiving morning, I got up, got dressed, and hit the road for a 5 mile run. I ran the entire thing, and it was amazing! I felt like my day and week were starting off great. I came home and cooked, we ate, I went for a walk, and I did my EA SPORTS Active workout. I was proud as pie.

The weekend was a blur of Christmas tree shopping, decorating, eating out, snacking, and leftovers. I didn’t have time to run, and Saturday and Sunday were my off days from EA SPORTS Active. When I stepped on the scales Sunday morning, I was devastated. I was up several pounds, and it was a huge slap in the face. I buckled down, started guzzling water and fired up More Workouts on my day off. I knew if I was going to undo the damage I’d have to be serious.

Flash forward to this morning. After a long and sleepless night (thanks to my son falling out of the bed, and my daughter removing her diaper and peeing all over her bed), I groggily stepped on the scale. Totally forgot to turn on the light, so I couldn’t see the number! Light on, scale read, and happy dance!

KA-POW (that’s me sucker punching the turkey)!!! I managed to LOSE weight over Thanksgiving week. I think this could be a historical moment for me. I should have prepared a speech.

Where would I be without the Sisterhood? Probably back in the 150s, out of shape, tired all the time, and unhappy. But now I’m just about to say BUH-BYE to the 140s forEVER.

Last week: 141.6 This week: 140.8

Change: -0.8 HOLLA!

Miles this week: 7
Total miles for the challenge: 31

Since the challenge started, I am down 1.2. My goal was to lose 5 pounds, so we’ll see if I can make it. Only 2 more weeks to go!

Be sure to check out my EA SPORTS Active for Life entries over here! Give me some love while you’re there, k?
You can also check out my Daily Mile page, where I keep track of my miles!!