Crooked Eyebrow » Blog Archive » Weigh in (even though I’d rather not)


Well, I have no words other than I thought this week would be better and yet it is not. I need to do a total overhaul of my lifestyle. My stress level is through the roof, I have cried everyday, all day and I am not sleeping as well as I should be.

My first week back to work was rough and so was my diet. Exercise? no time.  I get up at 3:30 to get to work by 7:30.  I get home at 5:30 and collapse with the baby at 9:30.  I am spinning out of control and quite honestly this week’s gain is just so very frustrating.

I am trying, but I know deep down in my size 18 pants that it is not enough. Here is to hoping something gives, and let it be the scale next week.

Last week #207

This week #209

+2 pounds