30 Day Shred, Before Shots – The Shrinking Jeans of Lisa


March 1, 2010 By lisa

This is also known as motivation for me.

Motivation to think twice before I snack on something mindlessly.

Motivation to keep up with my running and 1/2 marathon training.

Motivation to add shredding to my exercise mix.

Motivation to lose 10-20 more lbs.

While I think these shots are OK (check out my before/after shots from the 2009 30 Day Shred here, there has been a positive change since April 2009), these pictures just serve as a wake-up call that my work is not done. 

I still got some junk in the trunk that is rattling around.  I still have a squishy post-pregnancy belly and my “baby” is 17 months old.  My hips and thighs don’t match my waistline and I would like to change that.  My arms and legs could use further toning up.

I will participate in the 30 Day Shred Challenge for the most part.  My 1/2 marathon training comes first, BUT I think I have it in me to throw in 25 minutes of shredding 3-4 days a week.  Along with swimming and biking and other weight training  : ).

Watch out Jillian!  You don’t scare me anymore, especially since I have been exercising regularly and consistently since September 2009.  Your workout still makes sweat and breathe hard, BUT my muscles no longer creak like they used to, I will not wake up sore tomorrow, and believe it or not, I actually LIKE IT when you yell at me through the TV.

Bring it on girlfriend.


  • Arm- 12.5″
  • Waist- 36.5″
  • Hips- 41″
  • Thighs- 26″

I would like to encourage all of my fellow sisters that are doing the 30 Day Shred to post their before pictures.  It is liberating, eye-opening, and I tell you, it will be REAL motivation to keep going when it gets tough.  We’re all here to support you!