Heather » Blog Archive » Shredding, Day One: The Before


I’m going to do it. I can’t believe I’m going to do it, but I’m going to do it.

Before pictures. I’m being brave. I may regret this in the morning. But it is important to document my journey. Good, bad, ugly.

I present to you, me, before. Day one of the Thirty Day Shred. (Please excuse the sweat. It didn’t occur to me to take photos till after I shredded and ran).

(I love that my dog had to get in the picture)

I am not horrified, much to my surprise. I’ve made a huge amount of progress over the last six months. Running is doing amazing things for my body. I’m no where near perfect, or done. I’ve got some flab to lose, and would like to be down at least 15 pounds more – or 20. I’m excited to tone up and shrink even more with this round of shredding!

I would love to post measurements, but the only tape I can locate at the moment is my son’s toy measuring tape. And it only goes to 12 inches.

Yeah, that’s not going to work.

So, sisters (and brothers), let’s get our shred on!