VTNT Diary, Week 7 – The Shrinking Jeans of Christy


March 22, 2010 By Christy

Week 7 of my Team in Training program didn’t go exactly as planned. My biggest fear was realized this week, and I was stricken with some mysterious foot pain. More on that later….

Thanks to my donors this week, I’m officially over the $2,o00 mark. I know it’s not showing up on my fundraising page yet, but the checks have been sent in!

  • Dr. Michael Fontenot – my kids’ pediatrician donate $100, and even wrote me a quick note. Was so excited to get his support
  • Suzy Featherston – a graphic design client I’ve worked with on a project or two, donated $100 out of the blue! So appreciated!!

On Tuesday, I did my 40 minute “run in the hills” and made it an impressive (if I must say so myself) 4.5 miles. I was trucking and really feeling the runners high that day. The weather was amazing, and my legs felt great after my 6 mile run on Sunday. If only every run could be that amazing!

Wednesday morning I woke up with a burning in my heel, kind of like I’d stepped on a rock and bruised it. It didn’t really feel too major, so I went on a planned hike with my visiting family to Lost Maples State Natural Area. I wore Mia in the backpack, and as the day wore on, my foot was throbbing and swollen.

On Thursday I was scheduled for a tempo run, but I emailed Coach Joe to see what he thought. My foot was still swollen and hurting, and I knew running was going to be out of the question. He told me to ice it and stay off of it as much as possible. BUT OMG, I was going to Fitbloggin’ 10 the very next day!

On Friday it was still hurting, but I had to get moving and get to the airport so I could get to Baltimore and meet these amazing ladies!!

The Sisterhood girls

We had an amazing time finally hanging out together, but definitely felt the absence of our missing sisters. I will say that all the fabulous drinks we had made me forget some of the pain in my foot, and on Saturday a.m. I set out on the Ftibloggin’ 5K with the goal of running without pushing it. I ended up running a mile before I stopped, and then walked the rest with April. It was a rough one, there were tears of frustration shed, but I know my foot will get better and I’ll get back to training soon.

The rest of the weekend was so much fun. There was very little sleep, and lots of activity. Between the sessions, and discovering new and old friends, this mama was tired when she got home on Sunday night.

My plan is to wait out the pain. I had the pleasure of hanging out with Dr. Mo, a foot doctor, at Fitbloggin, and her opinion was that it *could* be tendonitis, and that I should rest it, soak it, and rub it down with Aspercreme daily. I’ve been following her instructions, and also throwing a little icing into the mix (no, not cake icing. Get your minds out of the gutter!) so hopefully, hopefully the pain will continue to go away, and it WON’T come back. Cross your fingers for me, okay?

  • Miles run since I started running on 10/03/09: 144.5
  • Miles this week: 4.52
  • Miles since I started training on 01/31/10: 75.7
  • Miles to go until San Diego: A WHOLE LOT!