Weekly Weighin – Melissa – The Shrinking Jeans of Melissa


March 31, 2010 By Lissa

I am about to head out and overcome one of my fears this morning… I’ve got my magic shirt on and hopefully it will protect me from making a complete ass out of myself. I’ve got butterflies, yo. Wish me luck.

Let’s get the bad out of the weigh way. I am up 1.2 pounds this week. I hate letting my team down. Sorry guys!!!

On a positive note, since last week’s weigh-in, my legs have put on 21 miles of run-walking. Can I just call it ralking? Pronounced ROCKING? ;p I survived the horrendous 8-miler, and am so excited for another one this weekend. I can’t wait. It’s going to be FUN! I am thinking I may suck it up and take a polar plunge after the miles this time, my running friends on Facebook swear it works. I’m all for lessening the soreness and pain.

I’ll be back later today to let you know how my “thing” goes this morning.