21 Days | Christy


I love this challenge so much. I love the fact that for me, the emphasis is not so much on losing weight, but making choices and changes that will impact my life. This morning, as I drove my 6 year-old son, BJ to school, we talked about habits; good and bad. We talked about how in order to form a new habit, you have to keep at it for several weeks. And then we talked about the new habits we could form together.

Here are the 3 habits I would like to work on for the next 3 weeks:

  1. Less coffee and more water. I love coffee so much. Seriously. I could drink it all day long, and some days I do. Lately, coffee has been edging out water, and that’s not good at all. I’ve always been so good at getting more than 64 ounces in daily, but not so much anymore. Over the next 21 days, I’m going to focus on getting in my daily 64 ounces, and a little more. With all the running I’m doing, I need to really make sure my body is hydrated.
  2. Dairy. I want to get back into the habit of getting in my 3 daily servings of dairy. The protein from dairy will help my body rebuild the muscles that break down when I run. It also helps build stronger bones, which I need, because I certainly don’t want to end up with a stress fracture or something crazy like that!
  3. Meal planning. I’ve always kinda half-assed my meal planning. Some weeks I do good, and then for weeks at a time, I’m flying by the seat of my pants. I know from experience that if I plan for meals, my family eats more healthfully, I spend less at the store, and I feel less stressed when it comes time to make dinner.

BJ and I also created a couple of habits that we’re going to work on together!

  1. Dairy. BJ is a lover of milk, but he wants to try getting his dairy in more creative ways. This is something we’ll work on together! We’re going to research which non-typical dairy foods (i.e. milk, cheese, yogurt) have dairy, and try some of them out!
  2. For a non-food related habit, he and I are going to work on keeping our truck cleaned out. The back seat always looks like a bomb went off in it, which isn’t surprising considering how many miles we drive each week. A bomb that is laces with raisens, Goldfish, water bottles, sippy cups, and socks. We’ve made a pact that each day when we get home from school, we’ll quickly grab everything that doesn’t belong and carry it in the house.

So that’s it for us for the next 3 weeks! I can’t wait to check in next week and let you know how it’s going.

p.s. I had a gain this week. I’m up from 137 to 139.4, which totally sucks, but I’m sure that once I get on track with the water intake, those extra couple of pounds will wash right away!!