Thursday Three: We Want to Know! | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


Here at the Sisterhood, we are all about changing and evaluating our actions and behaviors. This week, we want to switch it up a bit. We are in the process of rethinking some things around here and we want some feedback from the most important people, the elite… namely, YOU!

What are three things you really like about the Sisterhood?

  • Is it Heather’s hair?
  • The Tworkouts on Twitter?
  • Our endless ability to cuss?

We REALLY want to know. Be honest. Name some things you enjoy and want to stick around forever and ever. Maybe it’s the great support, the laughs, or Christie’s superhero abilities.

Along with the good, we want to know what you think we could improve on or subjects you would like to see more of! Never fear, this is all in the name of helping us get a clearer picture of how you feel, kind of a Sisterhood report card of sorts. Speak your mind, we promise not to come and egg your house. I can’t promise we won’t TP it, though.

Let’s hear it. What are three things that you think we need to work on around here?

  • Do you want more personal stories? Photos?
  • Think we need to take a different approach on challenges?
  • Think we are ignoring certain fitness activities, like fencing or bull-riding, and you find it offensive?

Anything goes, ladies and gentlemen. It’s all for the greater good of the Sisterhood!

So who’s going to go first?

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