VTNT Diary, Week Whatever – The Shrinking Jeans of Christy


April 27, 2010 By Christy

Okay, so it’s been a few weeks since I posted. I blame it on the frustrating injuries I’ve been working through. So there.

I’m happy to report that I’m pretty much over all the owies. Yeah, I’m still having issues with my IT bands, but I’ve learned how to deal with it. Taking liberal walk breaks seems to be the key to my success, even though liberal walk breaks on a 10 mile run is PAINFUL. Yes, I said 10 mile run, because that’s what I did this past weekend! Ten mile in 2 hours and 20-some-odd minutes. BOOOOYAH!


Ten miles didn’t seem so bad because I had some very special people running and walking with me. This past weekend was our official Hooker Retreat 2010. I hosted 7 other amazing women at my house for a weekend, and we had some amazing, amazing times. We ate, drank, and we were totally merry! Oh, we ran, too. And after our run? We jumped for fucking joy that it was over and we made it!

Kirsten, Heather, Me, and Lisa

I absolutely cannot wait to hang out with most of these ladies in San Diego. Being part of Team Shrinking Jeans with them is such an amazing experience. I have new friends I will treasure for the rest of my life, and that makes all of the miles and injuries worth it.

p.s. Thanks to Amanda for taking all the above photos. She served as our pit crew, GU ho, mile marker, photographer, and cheerleader. We couldn’t have done it without her! LOVE YOU GIRL!!!!

Mah Hookers

Lisa, Amanda, Heather, Tiffany, Kirsten, Thea and me. Yeah, I’m the hooker who closed her eyes and screwed up a perfectly good shot