Lisa » Blog Archive » Time to re-visit the past


Our very smart Christie O. has asked us to re-visit something we did back in January- a letter that our “future” self wrote to our “current” self.  I wrote this on Janurary 29th of this year.

Dear Lisa:

I am here to tell you that lots of good things are in store for you this year. 2010 is going to be an awesome year for you, for lots of reasons. But first, I want to tell you something very important, so critically important that you need to stop all that you are doing, pull up a chair, and read this with an open heart and mind.

You, Lisa, are a wonderful and awesome person- you are a mom, a wife, a sister, a runner, a cook, a maid, a housekeeper, a taxi driver, and many other things. The best gift that you can give yourself this year is this:

  • To love yourself through and through
  • To forgive yourself for not being able to do EVERY THING all of the time
  • To let go of the mom guilt

I believe that you are doing the very best that you can. Now YOU have to believe that you are doing the very best that you can. Just BELIEVE.

Like I said, 2010 is a big year for you. You will accomplish so many things! You will go from running 3 miles in January to training and running a half marathon in June with Team in Training. You may think that raising $2900 for Team in Training is a daunting task right now but I’m here to tell you that you will raise that amount and then some. You will finish that marathon in your goal time and you will feel GREAT. Pay attention to your body during your training runs though. You only have one body and you have to take care of it.

Also, I am here to tell you that you have inspired others around you to “get fit”. Because of your passion for running, you have ignited the fire in your husband to get back in the running game. He ran the San Diego FULL marathon. You also inspired your brother-in-law to start running again and he, too, ran the San Diego FULL marathon. You have inspired some IRL friends to get back to exercising regularly. Look at how many people’s lives you have touched.

You will consistently start training to run a women’s triathlon sprint (swim, bike, run) for the Fall 2010. You will surprise yourself with how well you do. Swimming will be your strongest section! Hold on though- don’t get ahead of yourself and start planning for the next level up in triathlons- finish your first sprint before you start thinking about the next one. There is plenty of time, there is plenty of time for the next step.

One more thing…..go ahead and get that physical that you keep thinking about getting. You will have great blood pressure but your cholesterol will be a little on the high side. If you need the doctor’s confirmation to live even healthier, then this is it. You have only been blessed with one body, one heart and you have to take tender loving care of it.

Also Lisa, I am here tell you that by this time next year, you will have lost an additional 15 lbs, you will be wearing a Size 10, and you will be in the best shape of your life. ENJOY IT! You will have more energy than ever, you will be able to keep up with your kids even better, and you will feel AWESOME.

You are loved. You are appreciated. You can do anything you set your mind to.

Stay focused, stay disciplined, give yourself a break from time to time, look for the positives, and believe in yourself.

You, my friend, are truly special.

Love Always,


I have to be honest guys.  Reading this letter that I wrote 6 months ago brought tears to my eyes, AGAIN, especially that first part.  WOW.  I need to print out this sucker and stick copies of it everywhere.  Why am I so damn hard on myself?  Still, to this day?

Anyhoo, Christie wants us to do a “reality check” if you will.  Here is what I have accomplished so far:

  • I did run that half marathon.  It was not exactly how I envisioned it to be stupid hip injurybut I did it and it’s done and I will do it again.  This year.  In San Antonio.  November 14th.  With our very own Christy.  Anyone care to join me?  The experience with Team Shrinking Jeans was above and beyond anything I could have imagined.
  • I have inspired others around to get moving and to get fit.  My husband did indeed run the FULL marathon in San Diego.  My BIL did run the FULL marathon in Los Angeles in March.  I have received several emails on Facebook from old high school friends that have touched my very core- old friends that I have not spoken to in YEARS, emailing me to tell me that I have inspired them to get moving.  How powerful is that?  I have also motivated some IRL friends to get exercising and I have convinced ONE (I’m calling you out on this one Chris M.!) to do her first half marathon, with me in San Antonio.  I’m working on two more : ).  Instead of meeting in coffee shops, I now meet my friends at the gym- woot, woot!
  • I have not “officially” began training for a triathlon….yet.  I am trying to figure out the biking thing- I don’t own a bike.  I do cycle at the gym and I am swimming at the gym (love love love the swimming- I’m actually excited to do an open water swim.  I know, call me weird!).  My next thing to look into is finding a triathlon group that I can hook up with for training.  I am reading all about tri’s, I am building my CORE, I am beginning weight classes next week- I’m on my way!  I’ve even checked the tri schedule for my area to see which ones will be most conducive for my schedule.
  • I have not gotten a physical, but I’m working on it : ).
  • Still working on the weight loss!

This has been the reminder that I so desperately needed, the kick in the ass that I needed.  Thank you Christie!