Editors’ Weekly Round-Up – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


As the editors of this fine site, Melissa and I have been thinking more and more about the importance of not only sharing our own thoughts here, but encouraging you to go and check out some new things. Sites, products, bloggers, etc. There are so many great discoveries to make on this journey to health and fitness. So each week, on Friday afternoon, we will present the Editors’ Weekly Round Up.

Round-up you say? Yes, it’s true that we already have some fabulous stuff around here, but our Round-up will be a good laugh, a some deep thoughts, some vigorous head nods, and maybe a yummy recipe. We’re giving you the gift of some of the best stuff we’ve come across on the webernet (is that a word, because I just made it up and like it. Say it with me: Web-er-net. Really rolls off the tongue…) over the past week.

Grab a tall glass of cool water and get ready to click. Also, if it’s a blog, let them know you stopped by and why!

  • This week I stumbled upon this PSA from Prairie Mama. Kim and I have known each other for awhile, and last year I got to hang out with her and her sweeter than sweet daughter Libby at Blogher in Chicago. Make sure you’re not drinking that water when you watch her vlog, because OMG it is so funny. I know I’ve been in that situation (both sides) and I completely agree with everything Kim has to say.
  • I also came across this wonderful post by Skinny Sushi. Father really does know best.

  • I don’t know about you, but tomatoes are one of my favorite things ever. I keep a container of cherry tomatoes on the middle shelf in my fridge so every time I open the door I can pop a couple in my mouth. Nothing beats the sweet flavor of a good cherry tomato. I was looking around on the Whole Living site and noticed a feature of 26 tomato recipes, like this Roma Tomato Salad with Feta and Garlic. YUM. Be sure to stay and click around the site, because it’s full of great recipes, fitness tips, and general wellness goodness.

Keep an eye next Friday for Melissa’s Weekly Round-Up!

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