Down & Dirty in 30The Finale – The Shrinking Jeans of Lisa


September 1, 2010 By lisa

No change from last week but that is completely fine with me!  Here are my challenge deets:

Challenge Begin: 173 lbs

Challenge End: 168.6 lbs

Total Loss of 4.4 lbs- woot woot!

I am so stinkin’ excited that I am still in the 160′s.  I know, I should be more confident that I could hold this patten but you know, sometimes the naysayers in my head get a hold of me.  Whatever.  In other news, I went shopping yesterday and was happily surprised when things I wanted to wear actually fit, and looked good.  Wanna check out my hip, new clothes?   

My half marathon training is in full swing and I still have so much joy for running.  I just wish the heat would cool off, then my running would b e even more enjoyable!

I hope all of you had a fantastic D&D30.