Holy sh*t! I’m shrinking it! – The Shrinking Jeans of Melissa


November 24, 2010 By Lissa

I have survived the first week of the Holiday Hoedown challenge and I have dominated my first week following the South Beach plan! I am happy to report that I was pretty much PERFECT this week. I didn’t eat anything I wasn’t supposed to. I ate tons of veggies, lots of eggs and chicken and nuts. Green olives and sugar-free fudgsicles were my “treats”. I didn’t consume one drop of alcohol. I cooked. I ate asparagus soup.

How about the fitness challenge? Well, my calves were SEVERELY sore (more than ever, even when I was training for a half) after last week Monday’s muscle work class. I couldn’t even TOUCH them without getting tears. I skipped working out Wednesday and Thursday. Here is the rest of my week:

  • Friday: 55-minute kickboxing class, 55-minute muscle work ++ class.
  • Saturday: nada
  • Sunday: 55-minute kickboxing class. Seriously kicked my ass. No joke.
  • Monday: 55-minute muscle work class.
  • Tuesday: 55-minute cardio circuit class. I tried a new class! Woot!

Total exercise minutes: 275

Total pounds lost: 4. I lost four pounds!!!!!! I now weigh-in at 211. I am hoping, hoping, hoping next week I will be down a decade. I am actually at the lowest weight I have been in at least 5 years. WOOOOOOOT! This week will be a true trial for me, as I am still on the strictest phase of SB for one more week and Thanksgiving is looming. I will be strong. Yes.

Happy Thanksgiving!