True Confessions – The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


So, a couple of weeks ago, I was on an email thread and we started talking about Fitbloggin. Which I had been planning to attend, and had in fact purchased a ticket back in August.

But in that email thread, I said that I wouldn’t actually be able to go.

Cause I had a ‘conflict’.

Well, I have something to confess…

I’m pregnant! About twelve weeks, give or take a few days.

So while that wasn’t exactly a lie, it was an omission. No, I don’t really have a conflict – I’ve got a little nugget! Whose actual due date is the first day of Fitbloggin, but will arrive about a week or so before – I’m getting all scheduled up for a planned C-section. So while all my Sisters are partying it up in Baltimore, I’ll be in the throes of newborn bliss/terror.

This pregnancy is why I didn’t participate in Shrinkvivor – cause I don’t get to lose weight right now. But I am committed to having the healthiest pregnancy possible, in spite of the relentless morning – scratch that – ALL FREAKING DAY sickness – I’ve been experiencing. Not to mention the crippling fatigue. Unfortunately, most of my first trimester activity has been restricted to very mellow walking and dry heaving. But I feel like I might be turning a corner, and hopefully will be resuming more regular workouts soon. In fact, I sucked it up and made an appointment with my trainer on Wednesday.

I’m hoping I don’t vomit or pass out on him. Though it would make a good story.

So, that’s my HUGE confession. I will be doing some fun stuff with BabyFit, so stay tuned.

Now, time for your confessions! Link up – I dare you to top this!