True Confessions (guest post!) | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I am so excited to introduce our True Confessions guest-poster today! I think many of us can relate! Our special guest is Anda from Leaving Fatville, and she has made such amazing progress in her weight-loss journey. Read more from Anda here. Take it away, girl!

Did you hear? I’m Leaving Fatville! I’m Anda and I blog over at It’s been over a year and 60 pounds are gone, and I have a whole lot more to go! Follow me on this crazy road trip to learn how I’m going to be healthy and happy! (Not hungry!)


You know that old 50s archetype of the typical woman? The stay at home mom, with the awesome cooking skills and a spotless house? The one where all she has to worry about is getting dinner on the table, and a drink in her husband’s hand?


I want that. This is the post where I confess that I want to be a housewife/stay at home mom.

I know. Women’s rights advocates are probably screaming at me right now. I understand that. But I desperately want to go back to a simpler time for women. For me.

I work full time. I’m a full time wife. I’m a full time mother. I am not a full time me. I’m lost somewhere in those titles. I’ve forgotten who I am. So much so, when I hear my real name being said, it almost doesn’t register to my ear. I’m so used to being so and so’s wife, so and so’s mom, so and so’s sister in law; I’ve practically forgotten my own name.

Good god, where did I go?

Now I have to juggle a boss with full time work expectations, being a mom to a high energy toddler and being a wife. All those things are supposed to get equal time? I know there are women out there that can handle this with flying colors. Ones that even excel at it and have made money doing it.

That is not me.

I’m struggling. I’m struggling to find where I am amidst all this mess. Am I a mom? Am I an employee? A wife? How do I explain that there are just not enough hours in the day to work, grocery shop, cook a full and healthy meal and then do laundry, dishes, etc and go to bed by 10 to get the required 7 hours of sleep…?

Somewhere in all these titles I’ve lost who I am, heck, WHAT I am.

I want one title. One me. I want to give up my career (or lack thereof) and be that 50s housewife/mother. I don’t want to worry about bills. Or how much and how far my paycheck has to stretch. I don’t want to worry if I’m playing the office politics game correctly. I want to concentrate on my ever growing son and my husband. I am okay with losing a few titles to find me again.

What are your confessions for the week? Put it in writing on your blog (or down in the comments), and link to your post below!

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