Power of One Finale – The Shrinking Jeans of Mel


February 23, 2011 By Mel

Well, here we are at the end of the Power of One challenge. I don’t know about you guys, but that sure seemed like a VERY fast 8 weeks. LOL

Here are the results from my final weigh-in:

Challenge Starting Weight: 274.0 Last Week’s Weight: 263.4 Current Weight: 260.8 Weekly Loss: -2.6 Total Challenge Loss: 13.2

Woo Frickin’ Hoo! What a great way to finish off the challenge. I think this is the best I’ve ever done in the Shrinking Jeans challenge. Things just really seem to be clicking lately and the MoJo is flowing.

Here’s a recap of the goals I set for this challenge as well as how I did with meeting them:

  1. Weight Loss – I would love to get below 260 by the end of this challenge, but that’s asking a lot. I’ll be happy with a 10 pound loss and anything above that is just an added bonus. – Well, I smashed my 10 pound weight loss goal, and almost met my dream goal of being below 260. I’m calling this one good!How will I get there?
    • Attend my weekly Weight Watchers meeting. – Yep, didn’t miss a single meeting during this challenge.
    • Track my food EVERY day. – Yep, I’ve journaled every morsel that’s gone into my mouth since Dec. 26., even on the splurge days.
    • Follow the WW Good Health Guidelines. – I’m still struggling a bit with getting in the healthy oils every day, but I’ve done really well meeting all the others.
  2. Exercise – Here’s my plan for activity for the challenge:
    • Participate in fitness challenges. – I managed to string together 35 consecutive days of exercise in John Bingham’s 100 Days fitness challenge, but then got sidelined by sciatica issues. Even though I broke my streak, I got right back to get in walks several times per week once my back was feeling better again. I’m just not officially tracking it with the 100 Days challenge now. So, not so good on this one.
    • Wear my pedometer every day. – Yep, I did once consistently up until about 10 days ago. I’m not wearing my pedometer as much now because I purchased a Philips DirectLife monitor. It doesn’t show my actual step count like the pedometer does, but it does allow me to set an activity goal for the day and see how I’m doing meeting that goal. I hit 112% yesterday. Go me!
  3. Take care of me! – How are some of the ways I’ll be doing this?
    • Get enough sleep. – I’m still not quite to where I want to be with this one, but it’s sooooo much better than it was prior to this challenge. I’m calling this one a success, but will still keep working on getting in a full 8 hours per night. My body just works so much better when I’m properly rested.
    • Me time. – When I first started this at the beginning of the challenge, I felt really guilty when I took time for just me because I would start running through a list of a thousand things in my head that I “should” have been doing instead. I’m happy to say that by the end of the challenge, I’ve learned that it’s OK for me to take that time. It’s helped tremendously in bringing down my stress levels.
    • Get my head in the game. – Given my success during this challenge, I would definitely stay this one was a success. I’m definitely doing a LOT better on making my health a priority which definitely equates to lower numbers on the scale.

    So, that’s my Power of One final recap. How did you do? Did you meet your goals? Be sure to report in and link up on this week’s finale challenge post.

    Until next time …
