Spring In2 Action – Week 1 – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


March 9, 2011 By thea

It’s been a while since I’ve been able to say this, but I’ve had a STELLAR week. WOOHOO! That was a long time coming.

It was tough, but I just buckled down and did it. Every day I had a choice. Hell, every meal I had a choice. And I think I did pretty daggone good.

Food – 5 Fruits and Veggies every day, and pre-packaged snacks can’t have more than 5 ingredients. I had 5 F/v on 3 days, 4 F/V on 3 days, and 3 F/V on 1 day. That’s a vast improvement over my 2-a-day habit. And I did not have one single snack all week that had more than 5 ingredients!

Fitness – 30 minutes of cardio 4-5 days a week and 10-15 minutes of strength type stuff 5 days a week.  I got 30 minutes of cardio in on 3 days and I got strength in on 4 days. Perfect? No. But progress!

Fun/Focus – Read 1 or 2 chapters every day and get 7 hours of sleep every night. 6 chapters read over 7 days and I got 7 hours of sleep EVERY SINGLE NIGHT. Not all of it was restful (stupid head cold), but I was in bed for 7 hours. That’s huge.

And can I just say that my partner, Jen, is amazing? We have been e-mailing every day and I just love talking things out with her. So much of this journey is about SO MUCH MORE than food and exercise, you know? It’s good to hash things out with someone!