May Your Way – The Wrap Up – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


June 1, 2011 by thea

Yeah, so… May kind of came and went and I felt like it may have trampled me a little bit.

I definitely fizzled out there towards the end of the challenge, and that’s kind of normal for me. I wish it weren’t so, but that’s the way it is.

I weighed in this morning at 157, which puts me at 16 weeks out of 22 for the year that I’ve stayed in my healthy range. And the 6 weeks I wasn’t in range weren’t horribly off target. I’m kind of digging this year. I’m definitely feeling more in control and less a slave to the scale. ‘Tis a nice feeling.

Now, for this challenge in particular, I didn’t do too horribly. Let’s look at the bullet points, shall we?

  1. Be able to do 10 push ups from my toes – Yep. I can do it. And I can do more than 10. So take THAT, goal!
  2. My head will hit the pillow by 11pm during the week and by 12am on weekends. – I suck at going to bed early. The end.
  3. Get in one swim workout a week – I got two swims in this month. 50%. Hurrah for mediocrity!