Burst Into Summer – Week I’ve Lost Track of Time – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


July 13, 2011 By thea

Summer is kicking my butt, guys. Last week in particular was pretty rough food wise. Based on my confessions yesterday, it’s no surprise that the scale showed a gain this week.

I’m a good two pounds out of my goal range, but I’m not discouraged. It’s just time to get back to the program…do what I know works, eat what I know fuels me, and relax about the whole thing. My stomach has not been happy with me lately, and I can’t blame it.

I started back to food tracking several weeks ago, but I got away from it last week. I’m not coming at it from a weight loss perspective, but rather a “fuel my body for insanely long workouts” perspective. Sports nutrition has been on my mind a lot lately.

Time to work the plan, yo.

Despite my horrible eating last week, I still pretty much rocked my goals!

  1. Dessert only once a week – I think I had dessert twice, maybe 3 times. Always ice cream, but pretty sensible portions. Let’s just pretend I imagined the caramel and hot fudge, though, m’kay?
  2. No snacking after 9pm – Actually, I nailed this every night.
  3. Complete 7 out of 8 cardio workouts a week – Getting stuff in while away last week proved a little hard. I was able to get 5 of my workouts in. I think I did something every single day.
  4. Follow Boot Camp plan – This one has definitely gone by the wayside. Time is just too much of an issue these days.