Burst into Summer – July 27 – The Shrinking Jeans of Thea


July 27, 2011 By thea

I’ll be the first to admit, I haven’t been very faithful to my goals and to any kind of healthy eating this summer.

Which why it isn’t too surprising that I’ve gained 5 pounds in the last month or so. That dreaded 160 is back on the scale.

But you know what? I’m cool with it. I’ve really been enjoying my summer. And I know that the weight will come off.  I just need to buckle down and stop the slippery slope. I’ll get back to where I want to be. I’m confident of that.

About the only goal I’ve kept up with is the eating after 9pm. I seemed to have kicked that one to the curb, which pleases me greatly.

We were gone on vacation last week and there was a lot of desserts. Like, every day. But they were really good, and I don’t regret it at all. Also, since we were gone, I didn’t get a few of my training swims in, but I did pretty well with my biking and running. I completed a tri on Sunday, the 24th, and I was able to take 11 minutes off my previous time so I must be something right, right??