True Confessions – Thanksgiving Guilt Edition | The Sisterhood of the Shrinking Jeans LLC


I can’t even get my head around how dumb it was for me to schedule myself to write the True Confessions post the week after Thanksgiving.

That said, at least you’ll be entertained. Here we go:

Confession 1: I hosted Thanksgiving this year. I could have chosen healthful recipes. I could have made better decisions. But did I? No. I went all out. It was a total Pioneer Woman Thanksgiving. Lots of butter. Half and half. Sugar. And the only green vegetable was in the green bean casserole.

Confession 2: I made two pies. Only one was brought out because one of my guests unexpectedly brought the same pie and I didn’t want to upstage with my awesome baking skills. So guess who ate pumpkin pie for breakfast three days in a row. THIS GIRL. Oh my lord. I can’t believe I’m even admitting this. Eeep!

Confession 3 (Oh yes, it keeps getting better): The day after Thanksgiving, I mixed up a bunch of the leftovers (turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, cranberries, gravy) and baked it in leftover pie crust. Delicious? Yes. Healthy. Not by a long shot.

Confesssion 4: I can’t remember the last time I exercised.

Confession 5: This confession is positive. In a roundabout way. I’ll start out by saying that I have a treadmill in the garage. I used it a lot when I was training for my half marathon. Then, during my pregnancy, it became a place to hang up clothes to dry. Well, this week, I uncovered it. I picked up and organized all around it and now I feel that I can use it without being driven mad by the clutter. I have no excuse. I may be getting my exercise in late at night after the children FINALLY fall asleep, but it’s doable.

Those are my confessions. I DARE you to beat my food transgressions. Confess all below, or link up.

Here’s to a fresh start and a new week!

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